Russian DX Contest Call: SK3W Operator(s): SM5AJV SM5PHU SM6LRR Station: SK3W Class: M/2 HP QTH: JP80JH Operating Time (hrs): 22h43 Summary: Band CW Qs Ph Qs Countries Oblasts ---------------------------------------- 160: 321 8 43 53 80: 521 148 59 66 40: 721 481 81 73 20: 437 655 82 73 15: 208 86 65 52 10: 3 2 5 0 ---------------------------------------- Total: 2211 1380 335 317 Total Score = 14,988,176 Club: Comments: Conditions and experience was up compared to last year! But even Murphy was up. We lost all power the last 1h17 of the contest! During Sunday the Wx went from sunny to snow storm and we understood that the power outage would take a while to repair for the power company. Since Murphy also works on the power company, the power was restored 1 minute after the contest was finished! We probably lost 200 QSO's and at least 10 multipliers. Anyhow the contest was a great experience and we say a BIG THANK YOU to the Fernebo Contest Team, with the captain SM3SGP, for letting us operate from SK3W again.