Förslag till meddelanden:
ESM slås på/av i menyn Tools –> Data Entry eller med textkommandona ESM
ESM fungerar så här i ett normalt QSO
S&P slås på i menyn Tools –> Data Entry För att hoppa mellan RUN och S&P mode använder man Ctrl+Tab. Förslag: Vi använder samma meddelanden som i RUN-mode för att förenkla.
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Fullständig lista på textkommandon: WinTest Text Commands
Text commands are written in the callsign field (instead of a call)
Fullständig lista på alla knappdefinitioner: WinTest Keys
[Enter]: Log a contact [Spacebar]: Move cursor between callsign entry and report fields [Left arrow]: Move cursor one character to the left [Right arrow]: Move cursor one character to the right [Home]: Move cursor to the beginning of the field [End]: Moves the cursor to the end of the field [Backspace]: Delete the character located left of the cursor [Tab] : Move cursor between sent RST and received number fields Alt-W: Clear QSO (like F11) Alt-F8: Clear QSO (like F11) Alt-N: Write a note regarding this QSO [Up arrow]: Move one QSO up [Down arrow]: Move one QSO down [PageUp]: Move 10 QSOs up [PageDown]: Move 10 QSOs down
[F1]: Play message #1. Normally, this message is the CQ [F2]: Play message #2. Normally, this message is the report sent (full) [F3]: Play message #3. Normally, this message is the serial number sent [F4]: Play message #4. Normally, this message is your call [F5]: Play message #5. Normally, this message is the logged callsign [F6]: Play message #6 (CW only) [F7]: Play message #7 (CW only) [Insert]: Play the message defined for this key (CW/RTTY only) - normally, this message is the logged callsign the full sent report [+]: Play the message defined for this key (CW/RTTY only) - normally, this message sends a TU, then your callsign and automatically logs the QSO. [Esc]: Stop the output message being sent Alt-K: Toggle Keyboard mode Alt-V: Change CW speed (opens "CW-Speed" dialog box) Alt-F9: Decrease CW speed by 2 WPM Alt-F10: Increase CW speed by 2 WPM Shift-F1...Shift-F7: Record messages #1 to #7 Shift-Insert: Record the message associated to the [Insert] key Shift-+: Records the message associated to the [+] key Ctrl-Tab: Toggle between Run and S&P mode (changes CW memories)
[F8]: Open/Close N + 1 Window [F9]: Open/Close Check call Window [F10]: Open/Close Check Multipliers Window [F12]: Open/Close Check Partials Window Alt-A: Open/Close DX-Cluster Announcements Window
Ctrl-Enter: Insert spot into Band Map Ctrl-Del: Delete spot on current frequency in the active Band Map Ctrl-J: Insert spot into Band Map Ctrl-Up arrow: Grab the first upper spot in the active Band Map Ctrl-Shift-Up arrow: Grab the first upper spot in the active bandmap, even if it is a 0-pointer Ctrl-Down arrow: Grab the first lower spot in the active bandmap Ctrl-Shift-Down arrow: Grab the first lower spot in the active bandmap, even if it is a 0-point station Ctrl-Space: Grab the spot on or near the current frequency Ctrl-DoubleClick on a spot: Delete the spot without the warning window Alt-DoubleClick on a spot: Load the sub VFO with a spot frequency (if applicable)
Alt-D: Pass a station Alt-G: Send a gab Alt-I: Open/Close Gab Window Alt-J: Display status of all stations in the network