

                  CQWW WPX Contest, CW

Call: SK3W Operator(s): SM5EPO SM5TXT SA5BJM SM3SGP Station: SK3W

Class: M/2 HP QTH: Fernebo Operating Time (hrs): 45

Summary: Band QSOs

160:    5
 80:  394
 40:  709
 20: 1503
 15:  617
 10:   11

———— Total: 3239 Prefixes = 1051 Total Score = 7,039,598



Difficult propagation for Scandinavia, but we tried to stay active full time. Johan SA5BJM and Peo SM5EPO made most of the QSO's, while SM3SGP and SM3XIK buried cables in the ground outside. SM5TXT Torgny was operation remotely for a few hours.

During Sunday I discovered that both computers were set to RUN1 on WinTest. Hope it will be possible to get this sorted out.

Claimed score is above the current SM record for Multi2.

Radios: Orion + K3

Amps: 10m BJM Special 15m Alpha 76 (Need new tubes) 20m Finnsteget 40m Alpha 87 (Need new tubes) 80m Ryssen

Antennas: 10m 6/6 + 6el 15m 5/5/5/5 + 5/5/5 + tribander 20m 5/5/5 + 4/4 + 5 40m 3/3 80m 4 square

73 de Gus SM3SGP Some photos on Google plus:

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